Say it Again, KNULP at New Joerg, Vienna
Habitually we assume that what we read and say neatly corresponds with what we see and experience. Language and speech however rarely fully align with what we attempt to express or describe.
Someone Looks at Something/ with One Eye Close To... Shane Haseman at AFAAAR
References to four key figures of the historical avant-garde - Tristan Tzara, Hugo Ball, Marcel Duchamp and Samuel Beckett - appear in Shane Haseman’s latest work ‘High Street’, at NEAR gallery in Sydney. A series of site-specific intellectual gags suggest alternative understandings of their historical legacies.
Artist Run = Emerging: A Bad Equation
If one were to take seriously the autonomy suggested by the term ‘artist-run’, then the assumed natural dominance and superior expertise of many other professional players in the so-called culture industry, would be called into question.
Out of the Past: Beyond the Four Fundamental Fallacies of Artist Run Initiatives
Over time the role and function of Artist Run Initiatives (ARIs) has shifted from one of quasi-resistance and the questioning of commonly held (essentially commercial) perceptions of contemporary art, to one largely of acquiescence and thoughtless professionalism. Luckily, there are still aberrations and exceptions to this rule.
To produce value under Capital is a misfortune because it means producing value for somebody else.